RTO Marketing Compliance  is a 3 minute read.

Is your RTO marketing compliance up to scratch?

Marketing and student recruitment are essential practices for any Registered Training Organisation. It’s not surprising then, that these are the key areas where ASQA identifies the most common incidents of non-compliance. If you’re in charge of marketing or advertising for an RTO, it’s important that you ensure that your RTO marketing is compliant with National Standards. Here’s 6 quick tips to help you out:

1. Include your RTO registration code
Your RTO code (issued by www.training.org.au) must be included in your marketing materials. This includes all advertising for training products, courses and qualifications. It should also appear in material that belongs to another RTO, if you are advertised as delivering the course, or if you use a third-party RTO to deliver training and certification.

2. Use the NRT (Nationally Recognised Training) logo
All marketing materials for training that is nationally recognised must include the NRT logo. This means separating your marketing material between information about training that is either NRT recognised or not, so you don’t confuse readers. Only use the logo as provided by ASQA, which you can obtain by emailing enquiries@asqa.gov.au

3. Include the code and full title of the training product
You must display the correct course code and full title (as listed on the National Register) in all training product marketing material. This is to avoid confusion among prospective students, and to ensure that every RTO provides the same quality of information about their training products.

4. Provide true and accurate information
You must not mislead prospective students by promising that:
● They will receive a qualification or statement of attainment simply by enrolling in a course
● They will gain employment upon completion of a course (with the exception of prior arrangements or agreements with valid employers)
● They will obtain a license or accreditation as a result of training (unless the licenser/accreditation issuer has confirmed this).

5. Prepare a marketing plan or review process
This is not a strict requirement of ASQA, however it is recommended that you have a system in place to check and approve all marketing material being produced by your RTO. A review process can ensure that information remains accurate and up to date. Keep copies of all marketing material for easy monitoring and also to assist in a potential audit or complaint investigation.

6. Additional points to ensure RTO marketing is compliant
● Only promote training products that are currently within your scope of registration
● Ensure that information relates to the correct State or Territory legislation, including when the licensing or accreditation will occur (before, during or after the training process)
● Ensure that marketing materials are consistent with your Training and Assessment Strategies (TASs)
● Obtain consent if you plan to mention another person or organisation in your marketing materials
● Provide easily-accessible information regarding funding, VET FEE-HELP and any other government loan or subsidy

What’s next?
For further assistance with ensuring your marketing is compliant with National Standards, contact Affect Media.

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