Advertorial Writing

Advertorial Writing

Advertorial writing is a specialised approach to advertising that can significantly boost sales and consumer confidence. By combining the compelling copy of an editorial feature with the selling power of an advert, advertorials can get your message through to thousands of readers quickly and efficiently.

Many leading law firms, universities and health organisations rely on advertorials to communicate their messages to their target audiences. From discussing research findings and awards, through to raising funds for hospital initiatives, advertorials are a great way of communicating a key message. Many advertorials are placed in leading newspapers and magazines and fit in neatly with the regular features of the publication.

While advertorials are legally required to be identified as advertisements, they have a big advantage over traditional advertising. One of the biggest advantages is that readers don’t immediately identify the content of an advertorial as being a ‘sales pitch’. In fact, a subtly written advertorial can make sales, generate enrolments or forward traffic to your website without ever really appearing as advertisement.


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